جامعة التقنية والعلوم التطبيقية - فرصة عمل بدوام جزئي في كلية التربية بالرستاق، قسم اللغة الإنجليزية وآدابها في عمان University of Technology and Applied Sciences - Part-time job opportunity at the College of Education in Rustaq, Department of English Language and Literature in oman

 Rustad College of Education

University of Technology and Applied Sciences

A part-time job

A part-time job opportunity at UTAS - Rustaq College of Education

Department of English Language and Literature - Fall 2024


The applicant must have:

MA in Linguistics or Applied linguistics and not less than 2 years of teaching

experience at the tertiary level, or

PhD in Linguistics or Applied Linguistics and not less than one year of teaching experience at the tertiary level.

CV and both academic and professional qualifications

Submit application documents by June30th, 2024




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