We're on the lookout for a Consultant to conduct a Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC) in the Sultanate of Oman


We're on the lookout for a Consultant to conduct a Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC) in the Sultanate of Oman!

The Consultant will lead the production of a CLAC in consultation with Oman's Environment Authority, UNICEF Oman and key stakeholders. The CLAC Report for the Sultanate of Oman is intended to:

🔹 Conduct a mapping of stakeholders;

🔹 Identify government policies and relevant programmes in country;

🔹 Recognize the expected and unexpected consequences of الوسومات (هاشتاغ)#climatechange on children and young people and how to protect them; 

🔹 Provide recommendations on how stakeholders could further incorporate and strengthen work on Climate Change-related issues that directly, and indirectly, impact children and young people in the short and long terms; and more. 

✅ Fluency in English and Arabic is required 

✅ Advanced university degree (Master or PhD) in environmental science, social and economic development, sustainable development, IR, international environmental law, or other related areas is required

✅ Minimum of 8 years' experience in the environmental field

✅ Demonstrated expertise in child rights or in any of UNICEF's main areas of work (health, WASH, climate change, nutrition, child protection, social policy, education, gender) is an asset. 

For the full terms of reference or to submit your financial/technical proposals, follow the link:



حجم الخط
تباعد السطور